Saturday, January 10, 2009


250 swings total today


1 minute 100% effort, 2 minutes rest, 5 rounds total. Swinging a sledge will make you sore in places you didn't know you had.


-10 minutes straight with the 12lb on the tire, 25 swings per side alternated.

-400m sprints x 8, Sprint, then walk back counts as one

-10 cleans/shoulders with this big fucker. I videoed the last one for shits and giggles


Trying to get motivated again, I have basically shifted my school hours to night time now, so that is good. Been lazy as shit, trying to cure that. For training I am thinking of doing kind of a manual labor workout centered around lifting stones and sledgehammer work. Mabye work in sandbags, kegs, walking with weight, etc. Going to try and ease back into grip training, as gay and specific as it is, it has won me money in the past which is more than I can say for regular weights. Always been able to swing a hammer and move shit on the job site with the best of them but I'd like to get my GPP and general fitness way up.